The IRRInet ACE modular design promises greater flexibility to expand or add new and evolving technology while being cost-effective by only adding new modules. The IRRInet platform is designed with backwards and forwards compatibility, promising easy and practically unlimited future technology integration.
Control Capabilities
The IRRInet ACE comes complete with options of the most diverse and powerful control options today. From Digital and Analog control to IP, Serial, MODBUS and AF1 communication protocol-which means you can have ICC PRO control on just about anything.
Sensor Suite
The intelligence in the field comes from a host of third-party sensors located within the application. From a weather station to the sensors located in the VFD control panel. IRRInet ACE can pull data from nearly any sensor on the market today. Pressure Transducers, Soil Tensio-meters, Digital Control Panels, pH sensors, and much more.
Advanced and autonomic communication capabilities
The MOSCAD 3600 (The IRRInet ACE’s Derivative) allows you the freedom of Radio options that meet the toughest applications. Other communication options are available, such as Cellular and IP for blazing fast communication.